Magonia 94, January 2007

The Venusians were peaceful vegetarians who lived under the benign maternal rule of Queen Zo-na. This is a curious name for a monarch, since in Hebrew it means "harlot".
Eventually she was told she must return to Earth, which particularly upset her as she had fallen in love with the Lelando, son of the High Priest. Her lover told her they could marry, so that they would be together in spirit even though separated by millions of miles. They pricked their fingers and mingled their blood during the ceremony, which apart from this was much the same as that in the Book of Common Prayer, but then they had to part. (29)
According to David Jacobs, all of this happened "while she was napping on her living room couch" (30), and it is interesting to notice that Howard herself did not regard her trip as having been taken in a nuts and bolts ship: "Many times since that memorable date I have tried to arrive at some logical conclusion as to what actually happened, Did I leave my body behind, travelling only in a finer vehicle? Or was it true teleportation and I took my body with me? Did the atoms of my body actually disintegrate at one point, re-materialise in another?" (31) I mention this because most studies of contactees have concluded that their stories are, gasp, not true, without addressing the question of whether they believe what they say. Dana Howard does seem to have been telling the truth as she saw it. Apparently she was also able to keep in touch with her husband in some unspecified way, for she told the second Giant Rock spacecraft convention in March 1955 that "She last heard from him about six weeks ago." (32)
Really, this was nothing new: all through history people, have been ascending to the third heaven, flying to the witches' sabbat, or the like, but just what they experience depends upon their cultural background. Up until the Middle Ages, witches would consort nocturnally with the Moon Goddess, but after centuries of propaganda by the Church, who maintained that this was devilish, Diana came to be replaced by Satan. Now the experience had modified itself again to fit with the latest views of the cosmos.
There seems to have been another, similar occurrence the same year, but am unable to learn anything about it, beyond a note in James Lewis's UFO Encyclopedia that the 'Cosmic Star Temple' was founded in Santa Barbara in 1960 by Violet Gilbert, a former I AM member who had been to Venus in 1939. (33)
- After Arnold
The beginning of the craze for flying saucers has been well illustrated by a recent Stationary Office publication, UFOs in America 1947, which is a collection of original documents and newspaper reports. (The first is an account of a sighting of nine craft over Mount Rainier, Washington State, on 24 June 1947, and the witness's name is deleted, despite it having appeared in hundreds of books. This kind of fact leads one to doubt if all the other information relating to UFOs, and still kept confidential by the U.S. government, is of such interest as is supposed , by conspiracy theorists.)
Much of the coverage in the opening weeks was concerned with crashes which, however, all proved disappointingly mundane when investigated. On 6 July it was reported that the Rev. Joseph Brassy of St. Joseph's Church, Grafton, Wisconsin, had found a disc in his parish yard "which might be one of the mysterious flying saucers." An FBI investigation quickly revealed that "the priest was intoxicated" and that the disc "was a circular saw blade with a few wires attached." Another, found at Laurel, Maryland, "had been made front a Gulf Oil sign and the top of a garbage can ... attached to it were a dry cell battery, a flashlight bulb, some wires and a buzzer" according to a police sergeant. The smoking remains of a reputed crashed saucer in Nebraska were in fact tobacco ash. (34)
A Gallup poll conducted that August asked people what they thought they were: 33 percent did not. know, 29 percent said imagination or mirages, 15 percent US secret weapons, 10 percent hoaxes, 3 percent weather forecasting devices and 1 percent Russian secret weapons. (35) (Or so my source has it though this only adds to 91 percent.) No-one, it seems, believed that they came from outer space (incidentally, it was not until three decades later that people started talking about Roswell) so they were not therefore of interest to members of I AM and others who believed in communication with other worlds.
However, Dr. Mead Layne of the Borderland Sciences Research Foundation in San Diego was somewhat ahead of his time. On 9 October 1946 a "black, torpedo-shaped" craft bad been sighted over the city, so he went to a medium named Mark Robert for information. He was told:
"This ship comes from west of the moon. [sic] No, I cannot get the name of the planet. These people have been trying to contact the earth for many years. The earth is now sending forth a strong ray or column of light, and this makes it easier of approach from other planets. Yes, these people come in peace. They are mare advanced than you are. Their bodies are similar to yours but much lighter.” (36)
Within the next few years Probert had produced mach more information, such as a descriptive list of seven types of ship “originating from Venus alone”, such as “A doughnut-shaped craft, about 125 feet in outside diameter and 36 feet thick. In the centre of this disk is a hole about 25 feet: wide. These craft are sometimes referred to as ‘Flying Laboratories’ because of the large amount of test equipment which they carry. They are observation craft and used only when very involved technical observations are required. Normal crew: fifty. ‘Electro-Magnetic Drive’” (37)
Meanwhile, the extraterrestrial theory had somehow got into circulation, being promoted by aviation writer Donald Keyhoe in a successful article in True magazine, which was expanded into a book, The Flying Saucers are Real, 1950. The same year saw the appearance of two other books, Frank Scully’s Behind the Flying Saucers, which alleged that they were crewed by three foot tall humanoids from Venus, and Gerald Heard’s Flying Saucers: Is Another World Watching?, which proposed that they were piloted by intelligent insects from Mars. The idea that saucers were alien spacecraft soon found its way onto the big screen in The Thing and The Day the Earth Stood Still both 1951, so by then most people must have been at least aware of the hypothesis.
In 1950 Lyman H. Streeter, a radio operator for the Santa Fe Railroad who lived in Winslow. Arizona, had “appeared one day at work acting in a very strange manner. He went about his assigned radio tasks in the normal way, but his fellow workers noticed he wouldn’t answer them when they spoke to him and behaved as if he were in a trance of some kind. His wife was called, and he was taken home. For eight days he was in this unusual ‘zombie’ condition. He said nothing to anyone during that period. Later, when he regained a state of normalcy, he admitted he couldn’t remember a thing that had transpired during those eight days of amnesia.”
On 22 August 1952, Lyman saw what he thought was a very small meteor display over Winslow. Later that evening the Streeters and other witnesses started hearing code signals in the living room of the house. He thought it was coming from his ham-receiver, but this was switched off, and the sounds could not be heard in the radio shack. He started to hear these signals regularly, though the later ones actually did come through his radio: he interpreted them as messages from space people. After this, he suddenly remembered something of what had happened during his period of amnesia:
“He told us that he apparently had left his earthly body (that would account for the zombie condition … the physical body had gone about is usual tasks at work under the direction of the animal mind, while the entity had been elsewhere) and awoke in a beautiful, large hall where many people were gathering. He was called before a tribunal and noticed that he was dressed in fine garments. He was called by a different name, Kanet, and told that he must work rapidly to complete his task upon the earth planet. All he could remember from this eight-day journey was the fact that he must work quickly.”
This moved him to work much harder at studying electronics. (38) He did indeed have to work rapidly, since he died on 23 April 1955.
It would appear that there was a great deal of UFO activity in July and August of 1952, mostly over California and the neighbouring state of Arizona, and it set off in turn a wave of contactee stories. On 4 July Calvin Girvin, originally from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, but later of Hollywood (it is unclear where he lived in 1952) went to sleep only to find himself going off into the astral. At first he thought that he had died: “I was relieved to discover that death could be so uncomplicated and easy”. In fact he went off to Venus and entered a large, white round temple, where there were many other earth people who had come by the same method. Seven men came and lectured them: “Peace has long been overdue on earth, and each of you has a mission to fulfil.” (39)
It was not until September of that year that be recalled what had happened. No sooner had he fallen asleep on the divan than he found himself on another would, an ethereal place of a higher ‘vibratory rate’ than the Earth. He was told by two locals, named Lyra and Orion that they were on one of the remnants of the planet Lucifer, whose people had become corrupted by pride, causing their planet to shatter and form the asteroid belt. “Lucifer and his followers were cast down from their high estate. In simpler words, the Luciferians who were embodied then in the most attenuated manifestation of matter `fell’ into embodiments in one of the most dense material evolutions, which is the animalistic evolution of Earth.” The few who had not fallen had remained on their asteroid ever since.(40)
Angelucci offered no explanation as to why he had been seen to be on Earth, going about his usual business. at the same time as he was on another world; and neither he nor Streeter could account for why they forgot their trips for months This suggests that their journeys were actual mental events, if that means anything. Another example is My Trip To Mars, by William Ferguson (41) which makes it clear that he did not go there in his body, but “in the expanded state of being”, as a Fourth Dimensional entity – in other words in what occultists call the astral body.
A South African woman named Elizabeth Klarer wrote that she first contacted the spacemen when she was unconscious following an explosion in an aeroplane hangar, and that her second trip was taken in the astral whilst her physical body was sitting in her living room. On the other hand, she described her journey to the planet Meton as if it were physically real – indeed, the ufonauts even took her motor car along with them. She claimed to have borne a child to a Metonite, which, it has been observed, was in violation of the Apartheid regime’s strict laws against interracial couplings. (42)
When ufologist Tim Good asked her what evidence she had for hear story, she showed him a potted plant and told him that she had brought it back with her from Meton. He took a photograph of it, and was disappointed to be told later that it was an ordinary maidenhair fern. (43) It seems to me, however that this does not in fact undermine her account. since, if Meton has human life so similar to that of Earth that they can even interbreed with us, then quite likely the planet’s flora would also be almost identical.
Most often, the entitles were reported to come from Venus, Mars, and other planets in our solar system. Now, by the 1950s it was known that the planets from Jupiter to Neptune are frozen balls of gas, unsuitable for life ‘as we know it’, and the others highly dubious. Strughold, The Given and Red Planet, 1954, for instance, suggested that simple plants such as lichen could exist on Mars, but recognised that the atmosphere was too thin to sustain anything more complicated. Venus was not finally proven uninhabitable until the Venera 4 probe landed there in 1967, but it only confirmed what scientists had long expected. Of course, science fiction writers did not necessarily know, or care, about these facts – as late as 1979 there was an episode of Dr Who so on a curiously earth-like Pluto – and one might suppose that the same was true of contactees. Yet it is strange that some of the aliens appeared to know less about astronomy than those they contacted.
One of the first non-Californian contactees, Dan Martin, was driving through a remote part of Texas in August 1955 when he felt his whole body tingling, perhaps a sign of entering a trance. Fearing that he night be having a heart attack, he pulled his car over and stopped. At once a spaceship landed on the other side of the road. An attractive lady astronaut stepped out and started a conversation with him, “Now she told me that they were from the planet Mercury, so I then said, ‘Our scientists tell us that the planet Mercury is too near the sun to have animal life.’ She smiled rather broadly at this and said, ‘You see I am alive.’ Well, that settled that. I had to admit that she seemed very much alive to me.” (44)
Another good-looking spacewoman, Aura Rhanes, told Californian Truman Bethurum that her planet Clarion was “on the other side of the Moon”. Aware that this made no sense. he suggested that what she had meant was the other side of the sun (45) though in fact if there was such a planet astronomers could have detected its gravitational pull, as the Condon committee was at pains to point out. (46) Once again, these anomalies suggest that at least some people imagined that they were telling the truth about their meetings with the space people.
Another good-looking spacewoman, Aura Rhanes, told Californian Truman Bethurum that her planet Clarion was “on the other side of the Moon”. Aware that this made no sense. he suggested that what she had meant was the other side of the sun (45) though in fact if there was such a planet astronomers could have detected its gravitational pull, as the Condon committee was at pains to point out. (46) Once again, these anomalies suggest that at least some people imagined that they were telling the truth about their meetings with the space people.
This is probably true also of Cecil Michael’s Round Trip to Hell in a Flying Saucer. (47) Following a sighting of a mysterious flying disc over Bakersfield, California, in August 1952, Michael wrote that two men in old-fashioned garments started materialising in his automobile repair shop. Then one day, about the end of that year, he found himself going on a trip aboard a saucer. He related that it was not physically real. In fact his body was in his workshop all the time, indeed occasionally something would happen that needed his attention – such as a telephone call – and he would snap out of his extraterrestrial journey to deal with it. But once it was over he found himself “out there” again. Yet, as it occurred, it seemed totally real.
The craft went off into space, eventually arriving at a bleak red planet with a lake of fire into which coffins were cast, the dead bodies inside them then coming to life and burning in agony. He was afraid that he would be trapped there permanently, but apparently he was saved by a vision of Christ that appeared in a beam of white light, and returned to earth. The trip seemed to have taken four days, but only four hours had passed. Here the scientific trappings are kept to the minimum, the main narrative being a familiar mystical one, the Vision of Inferno. It would be interesting to know Michael’s religious background.
In fact, though possessing highly advanced technology, the aliens seldom discussed it in any detail. One was `A-lan’ who explained the saucers’ propulsion method thus: “When certain elements such as platinum are properly prepared and treated with a saturation exposure to a beam of very high energy photons, the binding energy particle will be generated outside the nucleus. Since these particles tend to repel each other as well as all matter they, like the electron, tend to migrate to the surface of the metal where they manifest as a repellent force” (48) So far as I know this phenomenon has never been duplicated by earth scientists.
Actually, it is curiously dated; the existence of the ‘binding energy particle’ had been predicted by the Japanese physicist Yukawa in 1935, though the theory did not become well known until after the Second World War; butt this name for it was rapidly replaced by the technical word. In any case, why should outer space science be explicable in the existent terminology of the 1950s? If you were to try to explain what a meson is to a Renaissance astronomer or a Victorian engineer, then it would take a long time because you would first have to introduce them to a series of new concepts, such as nucleons. One might expect to meet the same problem when describing extraterrestrial drive mechanisms.
More often, however, the flying saucer entities had a spiritual message for humanity, couched in terms familiar to a Californian New Agers, as most of the contactees were, for instance: “In the age of the Atlanteans the evils of Earth were multiplied by the Evil ones who fled from the exploded planet called Lucifer, and who created the same evil on Earth as they had created on their planet. False worship grew and multiplied on Earth at their direction, and the fallen angels of Lucifer led astray many of Earth’s inhabitants. Seeing this, the wise ones of Venus came to Earth in their craft.” (19)
In Britain, the subject was espoused most notably by aristocrats with backgrounds in occultism. Lord Hugh Dowding, who had been Chief Marshal of the RAF during the Battle of Britain, might be presumed thereby to be an authority on flying objects, but perhaps more significantly was a practising spiritualist, who had published Many Mansions, (1943), which contained messages from soldiers who had been killed in the war. Brinsley le Poer Trench, later the Earl of Clancarty, was to judge from his writings steeped in Theosophical literature.
The best known was of the early writers was Desmond Leslie, whose Telegraph obituary stated that: “After Ampleforth and Trinity College, Dublin, Leslie became a fighter pilot in the RAF, flying Spitfires and Hurricanes during the Second World War; according to family legend, he destroyed several aircraft, most of which he was piloting himself. He celebrated VE day with his cousin, the Prime Minister, at 10 Downing Street” His varied career also involved composing background music for Dr Who and opening a night club at the family seat, Castle Leslie, where he entertained such guests as Mick Jagger and Marianne Faithful.
By 1952 Leslie had completed a manuscript in which, although he described himself as a Catholic, much of his information came from Spiritualist and Theosophical literature. He quoted W. J. Crawford’s The Reality of Psychic Phenomena as evidence for levitation occurring in seances, which, he thought, could explain flying saucer propulsion. From Blavatsky and her successors he derived the stogy of the Lords of the Flame coming from Venus, though unlike them he dated their arrival to 18,617,841 BC.

In his present contribution, he claimed to have regularly seen alien craft over his home, and later met the pilot of a saucer that landed out in the desert. As proof he had a large number of photographs, not all of them blurred and out of focus, and affidavits from half a dozen people who swore that they had seen him chatting to a Venusian. One of these, George Hunt Williamson, had himself been in touch, by way of the ouija board, with such entities Oara, ‘the planetary representative of Saturn’ who flew about in craft that they termed `Crystal Bells’. (51) He would later go on to write several books of his own.
Personal experiences of Adamski varied. Desmond Leslie once asked him: “George dammit! Do you swear by all that’s sacred you are telling the truth?” Adamski replied quietly: “Desmond, you know my religious beliefs? One of these days I shall have to face my Maker. Do you think I’d dare face Him with a lie like that on my conscience?” (52) Yet Ray Stanford, who began as an earnest disciple, reported that he would get cynical when he had been drinking: “The Prohibition was a good thing for me, boys. You’re too young to know about it, but hell, they outlawed the liquor all over the country. Hell, I got the Royal Order of Tibet – all incorporated and everything! I got the special license – for religious purposes I can make the wine. Gottdammit! Hell, I made, enough wine for all of Southern California! I was making a fortune. Then that man Roosevelt, he knock out the Prohibition. Hell, if it hadn’t been for that gottdammed man Roosevelt – I wouldn’t had to get into this saucer crap.” (53)
The contactees were definitely indebted to the earlier generations of New Age: writers. Williamson quoted, among others, Swedenborg, Ramacharaka, Oahspe, Ilive’s Book of Jasber, and Phylos the Tibetan.( 54) In places one finds remarkable similarities between pre-1947 and post-1947 narratives:
- “I looked up, and Saint Germane smilingly extended to me a crystal cup filled with golden liquid about the consistency of honey. Obedient to his slightest wish I drank it, and instant’s, a radiant glow passed through my body. When I had finished, the cup disappeared in my hand.” (Guy Ballard. (55)
There is a possible connection of Guy Ballard with Adamski and Williamson through far-right politics, since the membership of I AM “overlapped strongly” with that of the Silver Shirts. Jacques Vallee claims that Adamski “had prewar connections” with William Dudley Pelley. In about 1950 Hunt Williamson worked for Pelley at his publishing house, Soulcraft, and Vallee suggests, may have been introduced to Adamski by Pelley. (57)
- “…the voice said: “Drink from the, crystal cup you will find on the fender of your car, Orfeo.” Astonished at his words, I glanced down and saw a kind of goblet … I lifted it to my lips and tasted the drink. It was the most delicious beverage I had ever tasted. I drained the cup. Even as I was drinking a feeling of strength and well-being swept over me … I placed the empty cup back on the fender of my car only to see it disappear.” (Orfeo Angelucci (56)
The descriptions by Adamski and others of blonde, blue-eyed aliens has led to suggestions of racism, which such far-right links tend to confirm. Not much in the way of racial propaganda can be found in their printed literature, but there are signs they were less discreet in private. John Keel, who personally interviewed dozens, wrote: “Some contactees who claimed to have visited Mars blandly point out that the planet is divided into zones with the Negro and Jewish Martians carefully segregated from the others. (58)
In 1953 a Michigan woman named Dorothy Martin awoke one morning to find “a kind of tingling or numbness in my arm”. Without knowing why she picked up a pencil and pad. “My hand began to write in another handwriting.” She eventually found that she had produced a message from her deceased father. Fifteen years before this, it should be noted, she had attended some lectures on Theosophy, which had inspired her to read Oahspe and the works of Guy Ballard.
Other entities soon started coming through, ‘The Elder Brother’, then beings from the planets Clarion and Ceres, and in mid-April 1954 she received the first of many messages from a spaceman called Sananda. This name is Sanskrit, given in Hindu belief to one of the Kumaras, enlightened beings whose job is to help humanity. They found their way into Theosophy, some obscure remarks being made about them in Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine: “The Kumaras, for instance, are called the ‘Four’ – though in reality seven in number – because Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana and Sanatkumara are the chief … These prototypes are connected with the Kumaras who appear on the scene of action by refusing as Sanatkumata and Sananda – to ‘create progeny.’ Yet they are called the ‘creators’ of (thinking) man.” (59)
As we have seen, Blavatsky introduced the Lords of the Flame, whom Besant and Leadbeater described as coming from Venus; they also identified them with the Kumaras, (60), and described the doings of their leader, Sanat Kumara, at some length. These beings were, unsurprisingly, mentioned by Guy Ballard: “The Seven Kumaras, whom some Inner students have known as ‘Lords of the Flame’, from Venus, were the Only Ones from this entire system of planets, who of their own free will and infinite Love, offered to guard the children of earth and assist their upward progress.” (61)
Desmond Leslie wrote: “Earth, Mars and Venus were in ideal conjunction for their great vehicle to travel the immense physical distance separating the two planets. Thus to Earth came the Lord of the Flame or Sanat Kumara, with his Four Great Lords an one hundred assistants.” (62)
Thus, if you were generally familiar with this literature, and you were to communicate with a being from another planet, nothing would be more natural than that he should he named Sananda. It would appear that, besides dictating a large quantity of automatic writing, Sananda made a number of telephone calls to Martin and even made a personal call on her, in company with four other ufonauts; though some other members of the group that had sprung up around her suspected that these visitors were actually hoaxers. Eventually she was informed that America was going to slide into the sea on 21 December 1954. She and her disciples would be saved, however, as spaceships would come and pick them up. That day, therefore, they gathered in the back garden to await rescue. No flying saucer showed up, but, fortunately, neither did the predicted cataclysm occur. (63)
Thus, if you were generally familiar with this literature, and you were to communicate with a being from another planet, nothing would be more natural than that he should he named Sananda. It would appear that, besides dictating a large quantity of automatic writing, Sananda made a number of telephone calls to Martin and even made a personal call on her, in company with four other ufonauts; though some other members of the group that had sprung up around her suspected that these visitors were actually hoaxers. Eventually she was informed that America was going to slide into the sea on 21 December 1954. She and her disciples would be saved, however, as spaceships would come and pick them up. That day, therefore, they gathered in the back garden to await rescue. No flying saucer showed up, but, fortunately, neither did the predicted cataclysm occur. (63)
To sum up, the contactees of the 1950s onwards were not, as appeared at first sight, a new movement, but the end product of a long evolution which, insofar as it had a beginning, went right back to the eighteenth century, No doubt we have not heard the last of it. At the present day, I am reliably informed, Sananda regularly transmits messages to a woman in Glastonbury
- 29. Dana Howard, My Flight to Venus, Regency Press, 1956.
- 30. David Michael Jacobs, The UFO Controversy in America, Signet, 1976, p.106.
- 31. Dana Howard, Diane: She Came From Venus, Regency Press, 1956, p.39.
- 32. M. K. Jessup, The UFO Annual. Arco, 1956, pp122-23.
- 33. James R. Lewis, UFOs and Popular Culture: An Encyclopedia of Contemporary Myth, ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, California. 2000, p.92
- 34. UFOs in America 1947. Uncovered Editions, The Stationery Office, London. 2001, pp.16-17, 23, 42, 52, 59-60.
- 35. Bryan Appleyard, Aliens: Why They Are Here, Scribner, 2005, p.18.
- 36. Winfield S. Brownell, UFOs: Key to Earth’s Destiny, Legion of Light Publications, Lytle Creek, California, 1980, p.93.
- 37. Desmond Leslie & George Adamski, Flying Saucers Have Landed, Werner Laurie, London, 1953, p.128.
- 38. George Hunt Williamson, The Saucers Speak, Neville Spearman, 1967,pp. 126, 131-2.
- 39. Brownwell, UFOs, pp.113-14.
- 40. Orfeo Angelucci, The Secret of the Saucers, Amherst Press, 1955, pp.85, 99.
- 41. Galaxy Press, 1973, but apparently written in 1955; his trip was on 12 January 1947.
- 42. Elizabeth Klarer, Beyond the Light Barrier, Aquarian Press, Cape Town, South Africa, 1987.
- 43. Timothy Good, Alien Base, Arrow. 1994, p.4.
- 44. Dan Martin: The Watcher – Seven Hours Aboard a Space Ship, Saucerian Publications, Clarksburg, West Virginia, no date, p.3.
- 45. Janet & Colin Bord, Life Beyond Planet Earth? Grafton paperback. 1992, p.157.
- 46. Dr. Edward U. Condon. Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, Bantam Books, New York, 1969, pp.30-1, 853-4.
- 47. Roofhopper Enterprises, Auckland, N.Z.. 1971; 1st by Vantage Press. New York, 1955.
- 48. Quoted in Jacobs, The UFO Controversy in America, p.99.
- 49. Helen & Betty Mitchell, We Met the Space People, Galaxy Press, Kitchener, Ontario, 1973, p.13.
- 50. Zinsstag & Good, George Adamski, pp.188-91.
- 51. Williamson, The Saucers Speak, p.50.
- 52. Leslie, Flying Saucers Have Landed, revised edition, Futura, 1977, p.195.
- 53. Quoted in Douglas Curran, In Advance of the Landing: Folk Concepts of Outer Space, Abbeville Press, New York, 1985, p.72.
- 54. George Hunt Williamson, Other Tongues – Other Flesh, Neville Spearman, 1967. 55. Ballard, Unveiled Mysteries, pp.68-9.
- 56. Angelucci, The Secret of the Saucers, pp.6-7.
- 57. Jacques Vallee, Messengers of Deception, And/OR Press, Berkeley, California, 1979, pp.192-3.
- 58. John Keel, Our Haunted Planet, Futura, 1975, p.85.
- 59. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, I. p.116, II, pp.617-18.
- 60. Theodore Besterman, A Dictionary of Theosophy, Theosophical Publishing House, London, 1927, p.63.
- 61. Ballard, Unveiled Mysteries, p.252.
- 62. Leslie. Flying Saucers Have Landed, p.166.
- 63. Leon Festinger, Henry W. Reiken & Stanley Schachter, When Prophecy Fails, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1956, pp.33-4,